Dog friendly hotels near me

Your guide to finding the best hotels for you and your furry friend around the world.

Dog Friendly Hotels

Popular dog hotels

Top features of dog hotels

Dedicated Dog Facilities

Features such as dog-washing stations, canine showers, and separate entrances for muddy paws ensure that pets are well taken care of and kept clean during their stay

Comfortable Dog Accomodations

Comfy dog beds, food and water bowls, and even special doggy towel coats help make the stay comfortable and enjoyable for pets

Special Treats & Meals

Complimentary sausages at breakfast, welcome boxes of gourmet treats, and specialized dog menus make meal times special for the dogs

Dog sitting and walking services

Dog-sitting and walking services ensure that pets get the exercise and care they need, even if their owners are busy

Man walking a dog

Frequently asked questions

Can I feature my hotel on your website?

Yes you can! Every city has a featured hotel shown promintently at the top, this position on the website is available to purchase. If you pefer to be listed with the other dog friendly hotels, then we can add your hotel to the list also.

Do you take suggestions for dog friendly hotels?

We sure do! Send us an email and we will process your request as fast as humanly possible